Our Mission
The Office of the State Public Defender (OSPD) regulates the delivery of legal services for indigent persons accused of crimes through dedicated, well-trained, and talented public defenders and support staff in all 64 parishes.
Our Vision
Through the untiring efforts of well-trained, professional public defenders, the Office of the State Public Defender (OSPD) provides zealous advocacy on behalf of indigent persons accused of crimes.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get a public defender?
If you face criminal charges and have not yet been assigned a public defender, you may Locate an Office, searching for the parish in which your matter is being handled (which may differ from the parish where you live). You should then contact that office requesting information to apply for a public defender. Additionally, at your next court date, you can inform the judge that you cannot afford an attorney and request a public defender.
Who is my public defender and how do I contact them?
If you have already been to court and have been assigned a public defender, you can contact your defender by clicking Locate an Office and select the parish where your matter is being handled. The district office’s contact information is provided for your convenience.
Can I get a public defender to represent me in non-criminal legal matters?
No, public defenders only represent indigent persons charged with a crime or parents involved in a Child in Need of Care matter. Public Defenders do not handle civil matters such as divorce, eviction, bankruptcy, expungement, etc. Law school clinics or legal services may be able to assist you with your civil legal needs.
How do I make a public records request?
Public records requests to the Office of the State Public Defender should be submitted to the office’s General Counsel, Paula E. Miles.
Correspondences for Ms. Miles can be sent via email at info@statepublicdefender.la.gov, by telephone at (225) 219-9305, and by fax at (225) 219-9326.
Duties of the Office
As required by Louisiana Revised Statutes 15:147 et seq.
- Regulate and supervise all aspects of the delivery of public defender services throughout the courts of the state of Louisiana.
- Make an annual report to the legislature regarding the state of the office’s operations and the status of public defender services it regulates.
- Approve, prior to its presentation to the legislature and again after appropriation prior to allocation, the budget for the office.
- Issue a written response to any formal request from the governor and the legislature or any committee thereof.
- Appear before any committee of the legislature upon request of the president of the Senate, the speaker of the House, or the chairman of any legislative committee.
- Prepare and submit to the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget on or before March first of each year an annual financial report which outlines the expenditures of local, state, and federal funds for the previous calendar year for review by the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget.
- Draft, administer, and furnish reporting forms to the district public defender, which request detailed information of the district’s workload, resources, employees, and expenditures for the previous fiscal year based on the uniform definition of a “case” as defined in R.S. 15:174(C).
- Collect, prepare, and submit an annual report to the legislative auditor.
- Administer the DNA Testing Post-Conviction Relief for Indigents Fund as required under the provisions of Code of Criminal Procedure Article 926.1.
- Allocate funding to the public defenders, contract programs, and other entities as necessary for the implementation of the Public Defender Act.
- Adopt rules for the establishment of salary ranges for attorneys and support staff delivering public defender services, taking into consideration variations in public defense practices and procedures in rural, urban, and suburban districts as well as professional experience.
- Adopt reasonable procedures in compliance with the Louisiana Rules of Professional Conduct for the review and preservation of confidentiality of privileged materials during and after litigation, including impressions of counsel, strategy of litigation, and results of expert work and opinion.
LA Public Defender Oversight Board
Quarterly Board Meetings
The LA Public Defender Oversight Board meets once a quarter to ommodo tincidunt justo consectetur auctor. Ut blandit suscipit commodo. Donec porta sem nec mauris blandit, gravida fermentum augue dictum
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