WHEREAS, the United States, as every other nation, has the sovereign right to determine the number and character of aliens permitted to cross its border and the time, place, and manner of their entry.
WHEREAS, consistent with this timeless principle, Congress has exercised its constitutional authority to enact laws to prevent the entry of aliens without lawful authorization to protect the health, safety, welfare, and prosperity of Americans.
WHEREAS, illegal entry and reentry to the United States, as well as the encouragement and inducement of illegal entry and the transport of illegal aliens within the United States, are criminal offenses under federal law, and those who aid and abet these offenses also commit a criminal act.
WHEREAS, the Biden Administration, since its inception, has failed to prevent the illicit entry of aliens and has, furthermore, enacted policies designed to undermine the rule of law and encourage and induce the illegal entry of historic numbers of aliens contrary to law.
WHEREAS, President Joe Biden has thus failed to fulfill his constitutional duties to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution to the best of his ability and take care that the laws be faithfully executed.
WHEREAS, the Biden Administration has systematically dismantled every institution provided by Congress and established by previous administrations to prevent illegal immigration, thereby aiding and abetting the illegal entry into the United States of milions of aliens at the
southern border.